What’s with wheat?

What’s with wheat?

Have you ever wondered what’s happening with the food we eat? Wheat, a staple food for many – cereals, sandwich for lunch, pasta for dinner – and the current processing of it is affecting our health. Check out the documentary by Cyndi O’Meara....
Calendula – flower or herb?

Calendula – flower or herb?

This season’s crop Calendula is a flowering plant I have been fond of since I was a small child because my mother fancied them, and she always planted a row along the pathway to the back door. I’m sure it’s because they are bright, and hardy, as well...
Hormone replacement therapy for menopause

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – Questions to ask your doctor. If my doctor suggested hormone replacement therapy for menopause (HRT), what questions would I ask about my hormones and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to understand the risks? Is there any...