by GrowEatHeal | Jun 16, 2022 | Beauty, Health Tips, Recipes
Winter not only impacts your social calendar, energy levels and immune system, it also affects your skin. Cold air, dry indoor heat, low humidity and harsh winter wind can all zap your skin of moisture, leaving it less radiant. Over the warmer months, most people are...
by GrowEatHeal | May 11, 2022 | Beauty, Health Tips, Recipes, Well Being
The facts about fats Dietary fats tend to have a bad reputation. Despite what you may have heard though, eating fat doesn’t make you fat, as long as you eat it in moderation. In fact, fat is a macronutrient and is essential to our health. Without enough fats in our...
by GrowEatHeal | Mar 11, 2022 | Recipes
Got dry hair or skin? It could be due to potassium, or lack of it Hear the word potassium, and most of us probably think bananas. And while it’s true that bananas are certainly very high in potassium – according to the USDA this tasty meal in one contains around...